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What was the average closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) in 2013?

The average closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) in 2013 was $192.40. It was up 5,481.1% for the year. The latest price is $91,877. Daily pricing data for Bitcoin dates back to 7/17/2010, and may be incomplete. The average closing price for Bitcoin (BTC) in 2013 was $192.40. It was up 5,481.1% for the year. The latest price is $91,877.

What was the lowest bitcoin price ever?

Technically, the lowest Bitcoin price ever was $0.00. That's because for many years, Bitcoins weren't worth anything. Bitcoins lowest price after its all time high in 2017 was around $3,350. We don't really call anything in Bitcoin a "share". This is a term we generally use for stocks issued on a stock exchange.

How much did bitcoin cost in 2010?

Bitcoin's price never topped $1 in 2010! Its highest price for the year was just $0.39! 2010 is the year in which the famous purchase of two Dominos pizzas for 10,000 BTC took place. BitcoinTalk forum member laszlo offered the following trade:

Die weltweit führende Krypto-Handelsplattform

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